Jeremy Greenwood




A mill steam engine. Photo: Chris Allen

I am a macroeconomist, although boundaries across specialties in Economics are somewhat blurred. My research has focused on how technological progress has affected, in a variety of ways, the economy. Some time ago, I analyzed how technological advance in the capital goods sector has been an engine of growth for the economy by making investment less expensive. Technological revolutions have tended to be associated with rapid drops in the cost of adopting new technologies, productivity slowdowns, and rises in income inequality. This is true for the First Industrial Revolution, the Second Industrial Revolution, and the Information Age. I have modeled this phenomenon. Other work examined the effect that skilled-biased technology advance, which favors skilled relative to unskilled labor, has had on income inequality and de-unionization. I have estimated the worth of a personal computer for the average American. The advent of digital advertising has brought benefits to consumers, such has free media goods--Facebook, Google, Pandora, Twitter/X, etc. It has also encouraged firms to develop more specialized varieties of goods that are better catered to consumers' tastes, since firms can now reach potential customers more easily. The benefits of digital advertising for the consumer have been calculated in my research.


An old washing machine used by the Amish. Source: Amish America


The Second Industrial Revolution introduced electricity and labor-saving household appliances into the home. It is hard to overstate how cell phones, dyers, electric irons, frozen foods, microwave ovens, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, etc., have changed our lives. I have investigated how improvements in household technologies have liberated married women from working at home and allowed them to enter the labor market. Another hypothesis from this research is that technological progress in the home has led to a fall in marriage and an increase in assortative mating. 



'Prorace' cervical cap, England, 1915-1925. Source:



Other work has focused on social change as a result of improvements in contraception. It has examined how technological advance in contraception has led to a rise in the age of marriage, premarital sex, and the fraction of births that are out of wedlock. My research has also spotlighted the formation and evolution of attitudes toward premarital sex.




A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket landing. Source: Flickr


Some of my research has investigated the consequences of technological progress in financial markets, which allows investment to be directed toward the most profitable production opportunities in the economy, thereby increasing income and productivity. Recently I have explored how efficiency in both financial and patent markets affect technology adoption and growth. For example, how does the efficiency of financial markets affect funding for the development of advanced technologies? Path-breaking technologies may be expensive to develop and involve long and risky gestation lags. These factors make bank financing unsuitable for startups developing path-breaking technologies. Does the rise of venture capital spur the development of new technologies by startups? Inventors often create ideas that they themselves cannot commericalize. Firms may hatch ideas that are far outside of their core lines of business and hence are hard to take to market. Are firms and inventors more likely to develop new ideas when they can patent and sell them?

Wright Brothers’ 1906 Patent. Source: Wikipedia


Currently I teach at the University of Pennsylvania. I am also a Fellow of the Econometric Society, a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory.

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